Always from scratch

Always from scratch

Monday, February 29, 2016

History and Future

Hello and welcome to the Main Street Bakery blog! I am so glad that you have found us and I hope to keep you up to speed with our bakery after each blog post. I know many of you have very busy lives with balancing jobs and families, so I will try to keep things on point and interesting for you. Starting with a little history of Main Street Bakery, many of you probably already know of my Mother, Euphegenia! She is a wonderful lady and has an excellent baker’s hand, and her personality always shows up in her bakery as many of you already know. I’m sad to inform you that my mother is not getting any younger, and she would soon love to retire. That’s why I, her son, am taking over the business for her. Many of you don’t know me and I really hope to change that over time. After all… I am her offspring so you’re bound to like me J To get more on point, I have been working with her in the bakery for three years now, and I’ve had lots of time to observe my mother’s techniques. She has taught me everything she knows including those traditional and unique bakery items that everyone loves. Comment below and let me know what your favorite thing about Main Street Bakery is! Seeing as time moves on I want to expand and improve on products that you love. Comments are going to be more than welcome! One thing that I will be doing that is completely new and fun, is I will be having a daily cultural item! What in the world is that?! Well, these bakery goods will originate from a different part of the world, every day! How daring will you be? Anyways, thank you for taking a look at my blog and I hope to meet every last one of you. This is not a real company. This blog has been created for educational purposes only.
Good day to everyone! I woke up this morning filled with curiosity. Curiosity as to what I will be making for my daily culture item. I didn't know where to start so firstly I started searching for different cultural goods. Italy is known for amazing foods I thought, but I also have a Philippine friend and she is always cooking amazing food. This is where I got the idea for a Philippine dessert today. The results looked very promising for this culture! I came to the conclusion of a desert called Leche Flan. It is a mixture of custard baked to perfection, and layered with caramel on top. This desert is absolutely delicious! Leche Flan is known in the Philippines for being used during a celebration of any sort. Travel to a Philippine celebration today at Main Street Bakery with our Leche Flan! This is just but one day of the week, who knows what I will bring to the table tomorrow or the next day! That is why I want to give you a coupon for one free cultural item at Main Street Bakery. If you’re feeling skeptical about the special, I want you to experience it for free and get your feet wet with my delicious cultural choices! Can you think of a place that you have traveled to and absolutely loved their food? I would love to hear about your story so that I can maybe bring that to Stevens Point for you! Comments are more than welcome on this blog. Be well! This is not a real company. This blog has been created for educational purposes only.